173 Mawney Road, Romford, Essex RM7 8BX
Monday - Friday 08:00-17:00
01708 380360

Chesterfield Gardens | London

Project Details

Client: OD Solutions
Location: Chesterfield Gardens – Mayfair London
Value Circa: Circa £200K
Year Completed: 2016
Category: Commercial
Duration: 20 Weeks

Project Overview

Chesterfield Gardens is a grade A office located off Curzon Street in the heart of Mayfair. The building has an ornate Victorian façade behind which sits modern, high specification office floor upgraded to suit new clients design. New LED panel type luminaires were installed throughout the office floors with a more bespoke lighting design withing the meeting rooms and reception area. A large barasol feature ceiling was installed as you walk through the main entrance. Lighting controls were altered to suit the new layouts and power was adjusted to supply new mechanical services and outlets.